Method and System for Efficiently Embedding A Watermark in A Digital Image for Mobile Applications

23 Nov 2015    US     Information & Communication


The invention provides a method and system for embedding a watermark in a digital image and recovering the watermark from the digital image. The method includes representing the plurality of binary bits in the watermark using a plurality of symbols, wherein each symbol of the plurality of symbols represents at least two binary bits. The plurality of symbols are then transformed into a plurality of pseudo noise (PN) sequences, wherein a symbol transformed into a PN sequence represents one or more PN sequence vectors from a set of PN sequence vectors. Once the transformation is done, the plurality of PN sequences are embedded in the digital image to generate a watermarked image. During recovery, the watermark is recovered from the watermarked image by identifying the plurality of PN sequences in the watermarked image for recovering the corresponding plurality of symbols associated with the watermark.

Patent Inventors

Amr Alasaad
Norah Alquwayfili

Patent Link

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